Whole Body Cryotherapy

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryo Method utilizes a state-of-the-art electric cryotherapy chamber. An electric cryotherapy chamber uses fresh air to fill the chamber eliminating the need for potentially harmful gas exposure and enabling full body immersion in the tank, including your head which contains 70% of the body’s cold receptors!

At Cryo Method, a team member will assist you for the entirety of your experience to ensure safety and comfort. You will be provided with a robe, head band, mask, gloves, socks and slippers. You may choose to wear what you like inside the chamber (robe, shorts, spandex, bras, etc.) but the headwear, gloves and socks are required to protect your vulnerable extremities. Once inside, the chamber drops to between -140 and -175 degrees F! You can choose whatever song you would like to freeze to and within just 3 minutes you are on the road to some amazing health and wellness benefits described below.

How it works

Initially upon cold exposure, the body interprets this sudden temperature drop as a stressor and initiates the fight or flight response. Adrenaline is released causing blood vessels to constrict and shunt blood from the periphery to the core to warm the vital organs. While blood warms the vital organs, the vital organs detoxify and oxygenate the blood.

Once treatment is complete, the fully re-oxygenated, cleansed and nutrient-rich blood returns your peripheries to enhance recovery, promote repair and nourish the body to optimal health and wellness.

Through consecutive cryotherapy exposures, the body responds by initiating compensatory processes meant to enhance resilience. The vagus nerve becomes activated allowing for enhanced rest, modulated fat metabolism, increased vasodilation and decreased oxidative stress. This enhanced resilience promotes positive adaptive changes that may mitigate the development of chronic inflammatory diseases such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, cancer, obesity and more.



Decrease inflammation by modulating inflammatory signaling.

Reduce pain by increasing endorphin release (by up to 5x), inhibiting pain receptor activation and reducing systemic chronic inflammation.

Promote recovery through modulation of inflammatory signaling to optimize healing without inflicting damage, allowing for the delivery of nutrient rich, oxygenated blood to the tissues and simultaneously removing waste products to decreased muscle pain and soreness.

Improve mood by releasing endorphins that provide increased focus, attention, vigilance, energy and mood while decreasing stress hormone (cortisol) production

Enhance metabolism by increasing the number of energy production machinery (mitochondria) within fat cells allowing for more efficient use of energy and less storage of energy (fat), activating genes that ultimately confer a more favorable lipid profile and promote vasodilatation (via nitric oxide release) increases blood flow through your body enhancing the elimination of waste produced during metabolism

Reduce oxidative stress by boosting antioxidant activity attenuating the negative impact of reactive oxygen species (ROS).

Boost the immune system with increased endorphins, decreased cortisol and modulation of inflammatory signaling enabling your immune system to evade threats and fight off invaders.